
Toys for Tots Provides Toys for Field Day Event at Idaho Elementary School

A child receiving a toy donation.
11.05.2024 Impact Stories

Nonprofit: Astegos
Donor: Toys for Tots
Location: Garden City, Idaho
Lives Impacted: 320

Astegos is a nonprofit that has been supporting underserved individuals and families in and around Boise, ID since 2017. Its outreach and warehouse programs help provide housing, transportation, and essential goods to local schools, churches, and other nonprofits.


Young students wait to receive their donated toys.


The love, passion, and commitment of Astegos were witnessed firsthand at Koelsch Elementary School when volunteers arrived at the Field Day event on May 15, 2024 with hundreds of brand-new toys. With a generous donation from Toys for Tots facilitated through Good360, more than 300 students each went home with three toys after an exciting day of fun and games. Members of the Astegos team made meaningful connections with the students, fostering the welcoming atmosphere of the day. “We had such a wonderful time at the school,” said one volunteer. “The children were so appreciative and polite.”

These year-end school events serve as a reminder that needs are not seasonal, and neither is Toys for Tots.

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