
Toys for Tots Donates Impacts Over 900 Lives at School Field Day Event

Students at a Field Day event in Kuna, Idaho, receive toys donated by Toys for Tots through Astegos.
08.27.2024 Impact Stories

Nonprofit: Astegos
Donor: Toys for Tots
Location: Garden City, Idaho
Lives Impacted: 952

Astegos is a nonprofit organization in Idaho that aims to help underserved individuals and families in and around Boise through outreach and warehouse programs. Their partnership with Good360 has allowed Astegos to broaden its efforts to include essential goods, housing, and transportation support to schools, churches, and other nonprofits throughout the region.

On May 28, 2024, students from Hubbard Elementary School joined with those from Reed Elementary School for a collaborative Field Day event in Kuna. With over 900 children in attendance, volunteers from Astegos were very busy with the toy distribution portion of the event. Thanks to a large donation from the year-round force for good, Toys for Tots, every student in attendance received three brand-new toys.

Even with the abundance of toys, one child was upset when the specific toy he hoped to choose was no longer available. But in a testament to the beautiful spirit of this community, when another student saw what was happening and realized that he had the same toy, he gave it to the other child, bringing smiles to them both.

“For many of our students, school is where they are happiest,” said one teacher. “So, despite feeling sad about school ending, this donation brightened the day big time.”



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