Toys for Tots Provides Joyous Memories for Latino Youth

07.24.2024 Impact Stories

Nonprofit: The StoreHouse

Donor: Toys for Tots

Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan

Lives Impacted: 126


The StoreHouse is a nonprofit organization and Good360 Redistribution Partner (RP) whose vision is to connect at-risk populations with resources in Western Michigan through their network of nonprofits, businesses, and schools. As a Good360 RP, the StoreHouse receives brand-new items for their large warehouse, where they are distributed to people in need.


A recent donation included hundreds of toys and games from Toys for Tots that were distributed to a local nonprofit, Puertas Abiertas, as part of their third annual “Dia del Niño” (Children’s Day) celebration on April 27, 2024. Toys for Tots provides hope and joy year-round to economically disadvantaged children, and those in attendance each chose three new toys to take home. More than 50 families experienced plenty of smiles, laughter, and even some dancing, as they were overjoyed to browse the stacks of new toys and games and choose whatever they wanted.


“The generous contributions were instrumental in making this year’s event a huge success and memorable experience for our children,” said Puertas Abiertas’ founder and executive director Andrea Inostrova. “We’re thankful to The StoreHouse, Toys for Tots, and Good360 for including our community in their efforts.”





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