Donations from Hasbro Bring Joy to Displaced Children in Ukraine

02.06.2023 Impact Stories


Global Empowerment Mission (GEM) is a Good360 Disaster Recovery Partner that provides communities with supplies and equipment needed following a disaster. When the conflict between Russia and Ukraine began, many families became displaced. GEM worked strategically with local organizations in


Eastern Europe to assist refugees with essential items such as clothing, bedding, and more. For example, at one shelter in Ivano-Frankivs, a western area of Ukraine, most people there were mothers and their children who evacuated Poland after their homes were destroyed. The husbands bravely brought them to the Ukrainian border to keep them safe.

The shelter houses hundreds of refugees after a local engineer rented out the space for families. However, adults found it difficult to secure employment, which impacted how they care for their loved ones. After receiving toys provided by Hasbro, GEM distributed brand-new toys to families living in the shelter, and the response was incredible.

“When we arrived at the shelter, the kids were playing with old tires and spray bottles,” said Majel Wilson, Executive Assistant to President at GEM. “It was like Christmas! We also brought small kits for each mother filled with snacks, toiletries, and self-care products.”

Thanks to Hasbro’s commitment to serving communities in need, GEM brought immense joy to refugees who are rebuilding their lives. The new toys can help the children feel some sense of normalcy as they navigate their new environment.

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