
Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Help Good360 Be a Part of the Recovery

10.06.2022 Blog Posts

Domestic violence or intimate partner violence (IPV) is astonishingly more common than most people realize. That’s because so much of it happens behind closed doors, and survivors often go out of their way to hide the abuse from friends, family and co-workers.

In fact, 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men have experienced severe physical violence by an intimate partner, according to figures from the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV). On a typical day, more than 20,000 phone calls are placed to domestic violence hotlines nationwide. Fifteen percent of all violent crime in the U.S. is committed by an intimate partner.

Domestic violence doesn’t just lead to immediate physical harm; it also creates health issues that can linger for years. According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, survivors of IPV are at higher risk of gynecological dysfunction (such as pelvic pain), sexually transmitted infections, gastrointestinal problems, chronic pain, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Then there’s the financial impact: The CDC estimates that the cost of domestic violence over a victim’s lifetime was $103,767 for women and $23,414 for men. Those estimates include expenses for medical care, lost wages, damage to credit, and disrupted education.

Even though IPV can lead to tremendous physical, emotional and financial pain, many survivors don’t get the help that they need for a variety of reasons. They may fear for their safety if they seek help. They may not know what resources are available to them. Or they may not even identify themselves as a victim of domestic violence.

For these reasons, the work we do at Good360 to support survivors of domestic violence through our partner charities is critically important. 

We have found that even a small amount of assistance can provide a great deal of comfort and aid to IPV survivors. For example, we recently partnered with Find Your Fabulosity to distribute lipstick to more than 200 women’s domestic violence shelters across the country, where they are given to residents. 

The lipstick became a tool of empowerment, helping these women to regain their confidence and self-esteem as they sought to build a new life free from abuse. The cosmetic products were distributed as part of “Get Help” gift bags containing other personal care items.

In the organization’s four years of service, more than 65,000 new lipsticks have been donated. Many of these lipsticks and lip glosses have been sourced through Good360, thanks to our corporate donors.

This is “the nicest and sweetest thing someone has done for me in a long time,” one woman wrote to Find Your Fabulosity founder Sheryl Kurland after a donation event. “I’m so touched and crying happy tears right now. Thank you so much for caring. You give us the key to life, it’s not just makeup, it’s the support and encouragement in the midst of ugly.”

Here are just a few of the collaborations we have spearheaded to help IPV survivors:

  • We partnered with The Home Depot and Shelter Agencies for Families to help 30 survivors rebuild their homes in East Texas
  • We donated $500,000 in needed goods to be used for survivor initiatives for Women’s HQ, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit that helps women of color who are survivors of domestic violence. With this donation, Women’s HQ put together 10,000 “survivor comfort kits,” which will include a variety of hygiene, beauty and self-care items. Kimberly Harris, CEO & CoFounder at Women’s HQ noted: “Restructuring women’s lives after violence forces conversation. Partnerships like ours with Good360 transform those conversations into action.”
  • Together with Estée Lauder and Candace Way Out Foundation, a Houston-based women’s shelter, we distributed gift bags with cosmetics containing eyeliner, moisturizer, and facial cleansers to more than 100 women—just in time for Mother’s Day
  • We partnered with Bed, Bath & Beyond and MercyHouse Organization, a women’s shelter located in The Woodlands, Texas, to distribute donations of goods to help survivors create a healthy, happy home

Good360 is always in need of donations that can help IPV survivors as they get back on their feet and rebuild their lives. Here are some of the goods that could be donated:

  • New clothing and warm winter wear
  • Socks and shoes
  • Personal hygiene products
  • Cosmetics
  • Diapers, baby clothes and other baby accessories
  • Blankets, pillows and bedding
  • Home and kitchen supplies
  • Small appliances
  • Computer and technology donations

As we mark Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October, it’s important to reflect on this year’s theme: #Every1KnowsSome1. The theme is meant to highlight how common domestic violence is, and how it can be more than just physical violence. It may be your neighbor, co-worker or even a family member who is suffering in silence. 

Help us equip more charities with the goods they need to support domestic violence survivors. Please contact us here if you are able to donate goods. 

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