Good360 is partnering with Bath & Body Works to supply our nonprofit network with a limited quantity of donated goods including personal care items, soaps, lotions, candles, and more. Throughout the year, Bath & Body Works will donate needed goods through Good360 to nonprofits focused on supporting underserved and underrepresented communities.


Good360 is partnering with Bath & Body Works to supply our nonprofit network with a limited quantity of donated goods including personal care items, soaps, lotions, candles, and more. Throughout the year, Bath & Body Works will donate needed goods through Good360 to nonprofits focused on supporting underserved and underrepresented communities.

Get The Goods Your Community Needs

At Good360, we help nonprofits get the goods they need so they can spend more of every dollar on programs and services – in other words, helping more people and doing more good.

At Bath & Body Works, we believe the world is a better place when everyone has access to the things that make them feel safe, healthy, and secure. We’re committed to improving the lives of people in underserved and underrepresented communities and ensuring a brighter future for people around the world by providing resources, volunteer time and product donations to organizations that help provide safe spaces, basic needs and paths to self-sufficiency.

Together, we are partnering Bath & Body Works stores with nonprofits to support communities in need.

Individual store locations cannot directly donate to an organization. You will be notified by email when donations from Bath & Body Works become available.

To receive these donations, you must be a registered Good360 member. Click here to register for free and join Good360’s Circle of Good.

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