
Red Wing Shoes Provides Protective Gear for Ukrainian Refugees

Red wing shoes provide protective gear for Ukrainian refugees.
05.11.2023 Impact Stories

World of Giving

As the war in Ukraine continues, the need for humanitarian relief remains high. World of Giving, a Good360 Disaster Recovery Partner, has worked for the past 14 months to supply food, medicine, and other essential items to people impacted by the conflict. Recently, team members at World of Giving partnered with a local nonprofit to assist displaced Ukrainian tradespeople with new personal protective equipment such as coats, shoes, gloves, and more.

This contribution from Red Wing Shoes served more than 3,200 refugees across Eastern Europe. The recipients received apparel based on their profession, which is necessary to stay safe while working to provide for themselves and their loved ones. Medical professionals received outwear and gloves to keep themselves and working spaces sterile. Aid workers and volunteers got brightly colored pants and coats to make them easily noticeable to anyone in need. The quality of these items helped workers by keeping them safe from the elements as they rendered lifesaving support to their community.

Good360 will continue to work with partners such as World of Giving and Red Wing Shoes to serve vulnerable communities and provide long-term recovery to the people of Ukraine.


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