
Amazon Brings Joy and Hope to Georgia Residents

Volunteers hand out donated products from Amazon.
07.07.2023 Impact Stories

Miracle Mission Hope House

The Miracle Mission Hope House was formed with the goal of enhancing the quality of life for individuals who have little or no access to items to help meet their basic needs. Its location in McDonough, Georgia, has been helping members of the community for almost 20 years, but its roots go back even further to 1990 when its founder, Marlene Lemons, began holding meetings at her house for women who were struggling in life. Today, Miracle Mission Hope House has served over 5,000 individuals through food and clothing distribution, mentoring, community service, and even GED courses.

Through their partnership with Good360, Miracle Mission Hope House offers weekly events where those in need can access a food pantry that includes fresh produce and canned goods, along with a variety of household items. Thanks to a recent donation from Amazon, these events saw a significant influx of goods such as toiletries, kitchen items, toys, electronics, sneakers, blankets, and sheets. “Our recipients are always grateful for anything we can provide for them, but you should have seen their faces when they saw things like new toys. It was like Christmas!” said Lemons.

The donation helped more than 340 people who are struggling with either a physical challenge or financial burden that limits their ability to get around. “Getting products like these makes me feel like people really care; like I’m loved,” said one of the recipients.

Providing help to those in need fills them with a sense of belonging and self-worth, allowing them to pursue goals in life like securing a job or finishing their education. Essentially, it’s about securing their autonomy, which is at the heart of Miracle Mission Hope House’s mantra of Building, Restoration, and Empowerment.

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